Beneath the Silence: Unveiling the Unheard

This poem is on a very sensitive issue, no offence to anyone, kindly read it with kindness.  

(Men getting sexually assaulted)

In shadows cast on silent souls, a tale untold,
Men, in silence, bear a burden, heavy and cold.
Unseen, and unheard, their struggles unfold,
A whispering wind, a story of courage bold.

Bound by stigma, society's ancient mould,
They navigate a world where their truth is sold.
Harassed, yet masked, emotions tightly controlled,
Old stereotypes eclipse their pain.

In quiet corners, where vulnerability is stowed,
They carry the scars of a narrative seldom scrolled.
Harmony disrupted, a melody left unschooled,
Men, too, endure a harrowing story untold.

Let empathy bloom, in hearts, let it be enrolled,
Break the shackles of silence, let compassion be extolled.
For in unity, healing finds its stronghold,
A symphony of voices, where dignity is enfolded.

"Beneath the Silence: Unveiling the Unheard" delves into the often-overlooked issue of sexual harassment faced by men. The poem seeks to shed light on the silent struggles that men may endure, challenging societal norms that often downplay or dismiss their experiences. The verses emphasize the burden carried in silence, the weight of stereotypes, and the emotional toll of enduring harassment unnoticed.

The imagery of shadows and whispers conveys the hidden nature of these experiences, while the reference to a "story of courage bold" underscores the strength required to navigate a world that may marginalize or dismiss their pain. The poem calls for breaking the stigma surrounding men as victims of harassment, urging society to recognize and empathize with their untold narratives.

The lines also highlight the importance of empathy and breaking the silence, encouraging a collective effort to dismantle stereotypes and provide support for those who have been affected. The title, "Beneath the Silence," encapsulates the idea that there is a significant, often ignored, story lying beneath the surface, waiting to be acknowledged and understood.


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