Echoes of the Battle: A Poem on PTSD

In the shadows of the mind, it dwells,
A silent storm, a story it tells,
Post-Traumatic Stress, a heavy weight,
A battle waged, a lifelong fate.

The echoes of the past, they haunt,
A ghostly specter, a ceaseless taunt,
A soldier's heart, a survivor's soul,
Invisible scars take their toll.

The memories, they pierce like knives,
A battlefield where the darkness thrives,
A thunderous roar, a silent scream,
Invisible wounds, a fractured dream.

But in the depths of this endless night,
A flicker of hope, a guiding light,
With courage and love, we mend the soul,
Healing the wounded, making it whole.

Through therapy's grace and strong friendships,
We rise from the depths where we belong,
In unity and strength, we find our way,
To brighter skies, a brand new day.

For those who bear this heavy cross,
Know you're never truly lost,
You're a warrior, brave and strong,
In the battle against what's gone wrong.

So let us stand, hand in hand,
Supporting those who took a stand,
For in unity, we shall prevail,
And help mend hearts that once set sail.

PTSD may cast a shade,
But together, we'll find a brighter glade,
With empathy, compassion, we shall mend,
The wounds of those who need a friend.

'Echoes of the Battle: A Poem on PTSD' delves into the profound and often hidden struggles faced by individuals living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In this heartfelt poem, we explore the haunting memories and silent battles that linger in the shadows of the mind. The verses shed light on the strength and resilience of those who bear these invisible wounds, emphasizing the importance of support, understanding, and unity in the journey towards healing. This poem serves as a reminder that, even in the darkest of times, there is hope and a path to brighter days."


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