
A letter to My Depression

Dear Depression, I hope this letter finds you in a moment of clarity, allowing you to comprehend the words I am about to share. It's not easy to articulate the complex emotions that have become entangled within me, but I feel both of us must acknowledge and understand them. I want you to know that I am writing this not as an act of surrender, but as an attempt to confront and express the struggles that have become a constant companion in my life. You, depression, have a way of casting a shadow over every aspect of my existence, and it's time to address the impact you've had on my mental and emotional well-being. The weight you bring upon my shoulders is relentless. It's as if a dark cloud follows me wherever I go, making it challenging to see the beauty that exists beyond its ominous presence. Simple tasks become monumental battles, and the energy it takes to engage with life feels insurmountable. Your grip on my mind has turned moments of joy into fleeting

Breaking the Chains of Stigma: A Poem on Mental Health

I n the shadows cast, a silent foe does creep, A stigma veiled in darkness, lurking deep. Mental health, the battle within our minds, A topic often ignored, humanity blinds. But hark, my friends, for change is in the air, A poem I scribe to let you all be aware, The stigma's chains, we must break free, For mental health, like any health, should be. In whispers, hushed, these words we rarely say, As if our minds are secrets, locked away, But just as bodies sometimes fall ill, The mind, too, can face its share of uphill. Depression, anxiety, bipolar's range, These are not choices, nor signs of derange. They're struggles faced by many far and near, But judgment's weight, let's aim to clear. See, stigma's grip can shroud the soul, And make the healing journey take its toll. But in unity, we find our strength, To travel roads of any length. Let's understand, let's empathize, Reach out with love, not judgment in our eyes. For those who suffer silen

Seasons of the mind

I n the garden of thoughts, where emotions entwine, A symphony unfolds, the seasons of the mind. Spring whispers hope with petals so kind, Blossoms of joy in a dance designed. The summer of passions, a fervent embrace, Sun-kissed desires, a warm and vibrant space. Embers of dreams in the twilight unwind, Igniting the heart with a love undefined. Autumn arrives with leaves of introspection, Colors of change in a quiet reflection. Falling memories, like leaves they descend, A tapestry woven, the past to amend. Winter's cold breath, a serene hush prevails, A tranquil retreat where silence entails. Snowflakes of wisdom gently descend, Covering scars with a comforting blend. Through the seasons of the mind, we wander, In the labyrinth of thoughts, we ponder. Eternal cycles of growth and decay, A journey within, in the mind's ballet. So let the seasons unfold, let them play, In the theatre of thoughts, night and day. For within the mind's kaleidoscope so grand, We dis

Beneath the Silence: Unveiling the Unheard

This poem is on a very sensitive issue, no offence to anyone, kindly read it with kindness.   (Men getting sexually assaulted) In shadows cast on silent souls, a tale untold, Men, in silence, bear a burden, heavy and cold. Unseen, and unheard, their struggles unfold, A whispering wind, a story of courage bold. Bound by stigma, society's ancient mould, They navigate a world where their truth is sold. Harassed, yet masked, emotions tightly controlled, Old stereotypes eclipse their pain. In quiet corners, where vulnerability is stowed, They carry the scars of a narrative seldom scrolled. Harmony disrupted, a melody left unschooled, Men, too, endure a harrowing story untold. Let empathy bloom, in hearts, let it be enrolled, Break the shackles of silence, let compassion be extolled. For in unity, healing finds its stronghold, A symphony of voices, where dignity is enfolded. "Beneath the Silence: Unveiling the Unheard" delves into the often-overlooked issue of sexua

Echoes of the Battle: A Poem on PTSD

In the shadows of the mind, it dwells, A silent storm, a story it tells, Post-Traumatic Stress, a heavy weight, A battle waged, a lifelong fate. The echoes of the past, they haunt, A ghostly specter, a ceaseless taunt, A soldier's heart, a survivor's soul, Invisible scars take their toll. The memories, they pierce like knives, A battlefield where the darkness thrives, A thunderous roar, a silent scream, Invisible wounds, a fractured dream. But in the depths of this endless night, A flicker of hope, a guiding light, With courage and love, we mend the soul, Healing the wounded, making it whole. Through therapy's grace and strong friendships, We rise from the depths where we belong, In unity and strength, we find our way, To brighter skies, a brand new day. For those who bear this heavy cross, Know you're never truly lost, You're a warrior, brave and strong, In the battle against what's gone wrong. So let us stand, hand in hand, Supporting those who too

Awakening from the shadows

I n shadows deep, where sorrows lay, A battle fought both night and day, Depression's weight, a heavy shroud, The world around, a distant dream, Invisible bonds, a suffocating stream, But hear this truth, let it be known, In the darkness, seeds of strength are sown. Through tear-stained nights and endless ache, A flicker of hope begins to wake, For in the depths, we find our might, And slowly, we'll emerge to light. Depression's grasp may seem so vast, But resilience will break free at last, With courage, love, and time's embrace, We'll find our way to a brighter place. Explanation: This poem is a reflection on the experience of depression. It acknowledges the intense struggle that individuals with depression face, describing it as a battle fought day and night, where one feels weighed down by a heavy shroud of sorrow. It captures the feeling of isolation and disconnection from the world, which is a common aspect of depression. The poem also offers a mes

Unraveling Shadows: An Ode to Anxiety

I n the quiet chambers of the mind, Where shadows dance, and fears unwind, Anxiety, a restless tide, does flow, A tempest of emotions, ebb and grow. Like whispers in the dead of night, It wraps its tendrils, pulls so tight, A knot of worry, gnawing at the soul, A never-ending, gaping, gaping hole. The heart, a drum, in frenzied beat, A symphony of worry, oh so fleet, It plays its tune, a haunting song, A melody of doubts, both weak and strong. A storm within, a hurricane of thought, Invisible battles, so dearly fought, The mind, a battlefield, where shadows play, But in the darkest hours, we find our way. For in this struggle, strength is born, In anxious hearts, resilience sworn, We learn to face the darkest night, To find the dawn, to seek the light. Anxiety, a foe, yet also friend, A force that guides us round the bend, To grow, to change, to face our fears, And emerge stronger through the tears. So let us not be defined by dread, But by the courage in our head, For in t